Saturday, February 23, 2013

Very very happy to witness the pass of time, not only from the perspective of the freedom for doinng those things that you like the most, but also to be part of other´s experience in this life. Elena Aguirre has been my first great blessing in my life and I am happy to see her grow and glow. Girls rule, boys drull......

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cool it Day 2

.... Morning fellas!!....
I am trying to make an impact locally, working directly with my kids, and their activities creating respect for themselves while learning more sustainable lifestyles. Just recently, we worked on renewing our house yard and I have tried using a different approach while designing how we could improve the use of water while conserving our garden. My kids were astonished with the test we conducted, while "trapping" water.... it`s been already six months since we started some experiments using this technique with some flower pots and a small tree (still in a large pot) and worke fine. Therefore, we were ready to implement the use of these plastic salts in the yard itself. We mixed the soil with them, considering the depth at which these plastic salts were going to work much better and afterwards, we placed the new grass on the top. It´s been three weeks since the new grass has been planted and roots have developed much faster than expected. The watering frequency has been normal so far, and it is expected to be maintained as such yet for the next couple of months. The goal I believe we have achieved already is that the plastic salts in the ground have expanded due to the water that has been trapped due to its chemical properties, and now the new roots will start reclaiming the water in much more efficient manner. I will keep an update in this "think globally-act locally" family experiment that tries to use technology even in the most day-to-day activities in our life.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cool it Day 1

These last days I have been comparing similar issues with radically different realities. Currently I live in Mexico, particularly in Monterrey (located very close to the US Border with the state of Texas). This city is often described as the most technology-oriented from the country, is the home base of one of the most well known schools for technology, and also the corporate offices of the technology-oriented Mexican companies, such as FEMSA Coca Cola, CEMEX, etc. However, in contrast with this technology-leading photo of Monterrey I just described, it happens that the city of Monterrey also is distinguished as one of the most non - sustainable cities in LatinAmerica. This issue has a number of root causes, many of which we the citizens of Monterrey should be held totally responsible. One of these causes is directly related to the lack of "citizenship" many people reflect while living in the city in a "temporary" state of mind. Through the years, the "regios" (the name that receive the citizens who were born in the city) have reached the status of minority, and therefore the floating population and the incoming residents have caused the major expansion both in population density, geography and culture. Therefore, the lack of ownership (I am talking about the that comes with responsability and liability) associated withe the sustainability issues surrounding the city is directly detteriorated, and poor efforts for improving the quality of the environment, embedding more efficient lifestyles (energy-social & environmentally oriented) has been extermely difficult. The motto "think globally - act locally" is not reflected by the public policies bieng implemented in the city (most of them looking only as wishful thinking). Please don´t consider my comments only as an opportunity, there are a lot of things yet to be done. Let´s begin!! It´s not only if the city collects the garbage in every street and sends it to the recycling facility (were a selected volume is converted into electricity), being this activity the most valuable environmental project in the city (I am not sure if it also should be regarded as an efficient measure). I have to mention that also recently I was totally impressed (very much positively) with the service of the local subway, wow very clean and efficient. With the most socially responsible facilities for the handicapped ones I have ever seen in a subway. This deserves a 10 out of a 10. You see, we have to start.
